Wednesday, 22 August 2012

The Sun

Here is an Information Report about The Sun

The Sun is the centre of the solar system. The Sun is a giant ball of hydrogen gas formed billions of years ago. Along with the Sun the planets were formed. The Sun is really hot, sometimes explosions happen because the sun is too hot.

The dark spots on the Sun are called sunspots; sunspots are ares where the temperature is colder than usual. The Sun is about 4 1/2 billion years old! The temperature of the Sun's core is about 15,000,000 Degrees Celsius. The hottest part of the Sun is the core. The sun is ten times bigger than Jupiter and 109 times bigger than Earth. The Sun's diameter is 864,938 miles ( 91,391,980 km).

At night the moon blocks out the Sun it's called an eclipse, if the moon totally blocks out the Sun it's called a solar eclipse. The distance between the Earth and the Sun is 150 million kilometers (93 million miles ). Just like other living things the Sun was born and the Sun will die. The Sun is now a middle-aged star, meaning it is about in the middle of its life. You may think the Sun will die soon, but it will keep shining for another five billion years.

The Sun is incredible it can do amazing things, without the Sun we wouldn't be who we are now. The Sun rotates once every 27 days. The Sun is one out of a billion stars. The Sun is special it made life on Earth it made lots of incredible things.

1 comment:

  1. I love it when there are sun spots and solar flares because that means Aurora Borealis (The southern lights) will be dancing in the sky like strobe lights! A magical scientific phenomenon. Maybe one day in your travels you will be lucky to see them, I know you'd love them.
